As a birth doula I provide bespoke pregannacy, birth and breastfeeding support to my clients. I provide this full service at a cost of £2000. You may wish to purchase the full package or alternatively you can attend a MummaPod course and add on individual doula support elements to suit your needs. regardless of the add ons you purchase we will never exceed the total cost for the doula package.

As your birth doula I will provide you with support, evidence based information and signposting from the moment we meet until your baby is in your arms. After we meet and if we decide that we can work together, we will meet for at least 3 antenatal sessions. In these sessions we will discuss previous births (if applicable), life experiences, the kind of birth experience you would like, the physiology of birth - we can then draw up a birth preference guide with what ideally you would like. Birth can be unpredictable but we can ensure that your birthing preferences considers deviations and regardless of the birth you can feel empowered that your wishes are respected. As a qualified KGHypnobirthing teacher I can also provide hypnobirthing training (see packages below) alongside our doula relationship, and subsequently support this during your birth.

I will be available before the birth over telephone and email to support any changes or potential bumps in the road that you need to navigate. I will be then on-call from 38 weeks until the birth of your baby and available 24 hours a day to attend your labour. In which I will support you and your birthing environment, facilitate decision making and ensuring as much a possible that birth preferences are met. If you have trained in hypnobirthing with me or anyone else, I am happy to support you with your hypnobirthing experience.

 I am an experienced breastfeeding mother and I have been fully trained as a breastfeeding counsellor by Centre for Breastfeeding Education, the only breastfeeding course in the UK taught by a multidisciplinary team and holds accreditation from The Royal College of Midwives. I am able to support women in their breastfeeding journey with areas including: position and attachment; milk supply; nipple pain and trauma; tandem feeding and feeding multiples. I provide this support as an at home breastfeeding counsellor and I can signpost and refer to lactation consultants, GP's and Cranial Osteopaths where appropriate.

Postnatally I work with clients to support in a number of areas including breastfeeding, infant feeding, baby wearing and safe sleep. I able to utilise my networks to ensure you receive the support you need.