Essential oils for Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond

Essentials Oils can be amazing for pregnancy, birth and beyond and can trigger feelings of calm and relaxation, as smell can be one of our strongest senses. For some, essential oils can help reduce the mothers perception of pain/ anxiety and even help reduce the length of labour. MummaPod particularly recommend the following oils are we are delighted to be able to offer each of these oils in our shop.

Recommended Oils

  • Lavender: reduces pain & anxiety, it is a lovely calming oil but It is also great for the skin and for inflammation. You can add a few drops to your pillow/ bedding or to the bottom of your feet.

  • Peppermint: This is a great oil as not only can it help with nausea in the first trimester, it can also help pep you up. It can boost energy when feeling fatigues. Use it aromatically to boost energy and clear the sinuses.

  • Rose: reduces pain & anxiety

  • Orange: reduces pain & anxiety

  • Geranium: This can reduce your blood pressure

  • Clary Sage: Not only has this been reported to stimulate labour naturally, but it may also help bring back surges should labour have stalled (please do not use clary sage before 37 weeks pregnant). Inhald straight from a tissue to put a few drops in a diffuser.

  • Aromatherapy Blend: smells delicious and can help install a sense of calm and relaxation. You can use this for massage during labour to help ease tension and soothe.

    How to use it?

    Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways:

  • Placed in a diffuser (which we also have a wonderful one in our shop)

  • Can be mixed with milk and added to your bath (during pregnancy rather than labour)

  • A couple of drops on a cloth or flannel and inhaled as of when required

    Please always follow the guidelines provided by Neals Yard in order to promote safe use in pregnancy or consult a professional aromatherapist.