Katy & Tan welcome baby Malah at home
This is something I really wanted to share. Not only to look back on in years to come but as a chance to thank the amazing professionals and individuals who made my birth the most magical day of my life. Every birth is different and unique but whether it goes to ‘plan’ or not, you will end up meeting the love of your life. Mamas are real life superheroes 💪🏻
12th November 2020 - 12 days before my due date, my waters broke on the sofa at 4.30pm. Not a trickle down the leg, full on movie-style waters! After sending off a very panicky husband for bread (because what you’re going to have for breakfast is clearly very important when labour begins). I had a shower and contractions began so got out and called the homebirth team. Although all of the midwives at @homebirthkh are amazing, I was relieved to speak to Sarah, the midwife who had attended the majority of my appointments at home over the last few months, who came straight out to asses me. I felt we had built a rapport so having her in my home for such a private and special experience was so reassuring. She helped me with the tens machine which provided some much needed relief.
Contractions seemed to be coming thick and fast and I felt completely overwhelmed at how quickly labour was progressing. I thought, some what naively, that I would have time to watch a Christmas movie or go for a stroll because everyone had told me ‘it’s your first baby, the labour will be long’ or ‘when you go into labour do something relaxing or have a nap as you’ll probably be up all night.’ Well our little had other ideas!
After a bath, giving my husband a chance to light the candles/fairy lights, pop my playlist on and inflate the birth pool, I struggled downstairs. As I climbed into the birth pool our first dance song came on- you and me song by the wannadies, which I felt was a good sign ⭐️
At around 8pm, and I had been feeling all of the contractions in my back every couple of minutes since 5pm with little to no respite. I think I crushed Tanim’s hands with every contraction and although I thought I would be serene and relaxed, I vividly remember continuously shouting ‘HELP ME’ and asking to be taken in for a c section 😂 What helped the most was practicing the up breathing I had learnt on the hypnobirthing course during pregnancy and going into a state of mediation between contractions. I had Sarah pushing on my back (which I believe is called counter pressure) which was AMAZING!
At around 9pm the second midwife, Jess, arrived and I ended up out of the pool, squatting next to the sofa holding onto Tanim’s legs as I couldn’t get into the optimal position in the pool. It’s so true when people say you’ll just know when to push. It’s like an overwhelming urge that you couldn’t stop if you wanted to. After just over an hour and a half of pushing, baby Quddus was born weighing 6lbs 14. We hadn’t found out the sex so lifted up the cord to find we had brought a beautiful baby girl into the world.
A few stitches (at which point I accepted the gas and air!), a shower, tea and pizza later, I was in bed with my brand new baby Milah. The most incredible thing I have ever experienced. I was quite overwhelmed for the next few days feeling as though I had somehow cheated because my birth was so quick and relatively straight forward. I’ve now come to realise that I worked with my body and baby to bring her into the world. I did that and I should be super proud!
I honestly couldn’t and wouldn’t have had the experience I did without the informative and honest hypnobirthing course from @mummapod The hardest working, amazing team of midwives @homebirthkh - especially Sarah who supported me through every contraction and helped to bring my baby into the world and lovely Jess who joined later on. And mostly Tanim. My wonderful, supportive husband who respected my every wish and demand and is the most amazing dad I could ever wish for for my baby girl. Thank you all a million times ♥️