Ellie & Fred
he birth went incredibly smoothly and mercifully quickly (8 hours from first contraction). I really can’t describe how helpful the hypnobirthing training was on the day. It meant that the whole of the first stage of labour (despite being conducted in the triaging unit corridor at UCLH - unavoidable, regrettably) was entirely manageable and relaxed for both of us. And the second stage of labour was over so quickly (I went from 5cm to birth in 45mins) that we didn’t have much time to panic. But I made it through the whole thing with only gas and air and Lottie arrived in the birthing pool. Despite needing some stitches, it remains one of the most empowering and transformative experiences of my life and I was already planning my home birth with the midwife, the very next day!
Thank you so much for holding our hand through the prep - couldn’t have done it without you.