Mary-Anne & James


Molly was welcomed into the world at 11.16pm at 41 + 5 days at a lovely weight of 3.56. She is absolutely delicious.

The early labour started that morning at 10.30am following a sweep at home (having had the “show” on repeat for 3 days) and I had surges about every half hour so got lots of rest, read a whole book, had a nap, ate whole hearty energetic food and went for a little walk and even brought my first festive plant!

I also arranged for my two year old to be collected by my neighbour for a sleepover (just in case it was the real deal). Tens machine on the entire time which I was LOVING.
At about 7.30pm after clearing my bowels surges suddenly became incredibly frequent at about3 minutes apart and over a minute long. So I had a little panic that I wanted the home-birth team there ASAP and had visions of them not getting there on time. My husband was also instructed to start filling the pool.

Seconds later Frances and Jo arrived (I felt felt like they were only about 5 minutes away) so pure relief when they got there.

We had candles lit, wood burning stove on helping with my up breathing, my birthing playlist and birthing affirmations all round the room. Frances and Jo were quiet as mice and so respectful of my space and gentle with doing my regular checks. 

Surges built in intensity and I then asked for a bucket to be sick in which must have pushed Molly down further. I then cleared my bowels for the final time and then, like magic, everything went very still and calm (almost like everything had stopped). I stood rocking in my husbands arms and humming. Something similar happened in my first birth, I believe it’s when I’d peaked to 10cm and had transition and it was my bodies way of collecting energy for the final hurdle. I was desperate to get in the pool. Finally, it was ready and in I got - just as surges returned with “a tail on the end” that wanted me to bear down. Instant relief and comfort. Perfect position to allow molly to move down too. 

My body language then completely changed and I focused on the fire and down breathing. I went into an almost animalistic trance and made deep noises that felt somewhat out of my control but really helped with her journey. I bear down and felt a pop (my waters) and knew it was time to assist with pushing Molly into the world. She wanted a speedy arrival (and to be honest so did I and in retrospect would have been a little better if I hadn’t rushed). It felt like Molly came out pretty quickly - about 5/6 significant pushes and then Frances instructed me to catch her... that was a little confusing but magical! 

I brought her to my chest - I didn’t even look to see if she was a girl or boy just kissed her and smelt that glorious newborn smell and then checked and was soooooo amazed she was a girl. One of the most magical moments of my life.

I stayed put for a while and then exited the pool and got to the sofa hoping for the placenta to arrive naturally and got Molly latched on to assist... it didn’t arrive so I suggested sitting on the loo (gravity and all that). Worked a treat and out it came ready to be harvested for stem cells and placenta encapsulation!

Upstairs with Molly still having skin to skin. Some internal and external stitches for second degree using my up breathing for pain relief and focusing on the cuddles. 

A cup of tea and in bed (having fallen in love with both midwives a little bit more). My poor hubby clearing every thing up while Molly and I slept. 

Feels like a beautiful dream.

I couldn’t have done it without such an amazing support network from Kingston homebirth team and my INCREDIBLE birth partner and husband James and of course HYPNOBIRTHING!